Monthly Archives: January 2014

Wednesday Briefs: January 29, 2014

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Uncool – #7: by Tali Spencer:

“I’m serious, Carson. Is this guy trouble?”

How was I supposed to answer that? I didn’t know much of anything about Bradley, not much more than a name. I think I might have met him once, but I couldn’t even remember him.

“Stewart doesn’t seem to think he is.” Lame as it was, that was the best answer I had.

Lenie picked up a cookie and snapped hers in half with an evil grin. “Sounds like Carson needs to conduct a little research.”

“Says the woman who works with mummies.”

“Mummies may not talk, but they say a lot.”

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Wednesday Briefs: January 22, 2014

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Darkest Before Dawn; by Shelly Schulz:

Bright sunlight streamed in through the open window, and the sound of birds and barking woke her from her sleep. Rose winced, unfolding herself from the ball that she worked herself into sometime during the night. She sat up stretching, joints aching, popping, her back screaming from spending the night on the hard wooden floor. Curious, she rose to her knees, despite her body’s protests and peered out the window, eyes level with the windowsill. The man was gone.

“I had bad dreams last night.” Ben’s voice startled her. Her brother stood in the doorway, sleep rumpled, clutching a blanket.

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Toss Up Tuesday: Victoria Adams – Ten Things About Being A Writer

Ten things I’ve learned about being a writer:

1. I’ve learned that I can sit and stare at a blank screen on my laptop for a very long time.

2. I can edit – redit – rewrite then delete the same page three times.

3. I can have conversations – in my head – with my characters and this not be a weird thing. Continue reading

Meet The Author: Grace R. Duncan

As mentioned yesterday, the Wednesday Brief Flashers are going to try be posting more frequently on the site. In keeping with our tentative weekly schedule, Monday is meet the author.  To kick off this new feature, Grace R. Duncan has agreed to share a bit about herself and her work.

Meet The Author: Grace R. Duncan


I am fairly new to professional writing – less than a year, at this point.  Choices was my first published novel, my first truly professional endeavor.  I’ve self-pubbed one story before that and since, I’ve added a second novel in the Golden Collar series, a free short and a piece in the Advent Calendar.  The rest of my writing started out as fanfiction, which I’d been doing for some four years before Choices was published. Continue reading

The Evolution Of The Wednesday Brief Flashers

Warning: Probability of being Flashed is High!

Every Wednesday, a group of authors – and it is an eclectic group – post free fiction as a give back to their readers and fans. There are ‘rules’ and ‘guidelines’ – use a prompt, 1000 words or less, post on Wednesdays – but the penalty for not following them is a bad case of guilt.  The original ‘plan’ was for each author to list the links to other flashers so readers would find it easier to follow their favorite authors, or better yet, find a new favorite. That worked well, but as a group we decided to make everyone’s work more accessible. Continue reading

Wednesday Briefs: January 15, 2014

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Sunrise: by Victoria Adams:

The pain started small and deep inside his head, but with each breath it grew until J’dol was convinced the top of his head would explode. He groaned and tried to move. His arms refused to obey his command. “Oy, how much did I drink last night?” He raised his right hand to his eyes and was puzzled when his left hand rose also. He hand no time to ponder his hand’s strange behavior as his thigh muscle chose that moment to protest it’s position and cramped. “Ahh! Shit. Can things get any worse?”

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Wednesday Briefs: January 8, 2014

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

My Guardian Angel Is A Cockblocker, CH 1: by Andrew Q. Gordon:

“Are you kidding me?” Alexander Preston jumped up, leaving his text book floating in the air. With the cell phone pressed against his ear, he spun around ignoring the look Nicholas, his guardian angel, gave him. “He asked about me? You’re lying.”

“No, I’m not kidding. Yes, he asked about you. And, no, I’m not lying.” His best friend, Hannah Sherman, sounded almost annoyed. “You two have only been drooling over each other since the semester started.”

“You can’t have a book floating in the air.” Nicholas motioned with his hand and the physics book floated toward the desk. “What if someone walks in?”

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