Category Archives: Whatever Weekends

New Release: Sacrifices; by Chris T. Kat

Sacrifices (A Jeff Woods Mystery)—An Unlikeable
This is Chris T. Kat again, talking about my current release
(A Jeff Woods Mystery).
is the sequel to
Attachment Strings.
The first book received some strong reactions, especially regarding
the main character, Jeff Woods.

Continue reading

Whatever Weekend: Julie Lynn Hayes – Even Bad Boys Have Consequences

Look at that face. How can you say no to it? Most women can’t. Maybe that’s his problem.  For those of you who don’t recognize him, that is Hank Moody, author, bad boy and all around sexy guy – the foundation upon which Californication is built, the sexy comedy on Showtime now in its fourth season. Continue reading

Whatever Weekend: JC Wallace – Curiosity Killed Shaney Tour and Giveaway

blog tour pic

Hi, everyone! I want to thank Wednesday Briefs Blog for inviting me. Curiosity Killed Shaney is my first published novel and I am thrilled to share this story with all of you.

This blog tour got huge fast! There are awesome prizes to that will be given away at the end of the tour. At the end of this post, you will find a link to enter! Check in at for links to all of the blogs in the tour and you can enter as much as you like!

Today I am interviewing Hudson from Curiosity Killed Shaney.

JC: Hey, Hudson. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me.

Hudson: No, problem, JC. Shaney is around here somewhere, so I hope we can get through this without incidence.

JC: Okay, well, let’s get started. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hudson: Well, I’m Hudson Turner from Curiosity Killed Shaney. I’m 26 year old and I’m a carpenter. I live in Tupper Lake, NY. Shaney is my boyfriend. I think that’s about it.

JC: You run your own carpentry business. How did that get started?

Hudson: I went to college because my parents expected it and they’re high achievers. My dad is in business so I went for that because I didn’t know what to go for and it made him happy. He wanted me work with him but when I got out of college I came back to Tupper Lake. I have always loved working with wood. When I was a teenager, I liked to build things with my grandfather so I set up my own business as a carpenter and I’m happy with it.

JC: How did you get involved in charity?

Hudson: Oh, you mean doing work for people who can’t afford to pay. Well, my grandfather was a very altruistic and believed in giving. He was a research scientist he didn’t want to make money off his work and always told me that people are important than money. So, when my business got going really good, I would do work for those I knew couldn’t afford it just as my grandfather taught me.

JC: That’s really nice of hear. Let’s talk about you and Shaney. You’re really different from one another. He’s free-spirited, curious, easy going. You’ve described yourself as reserved, quiet and solitary. How does it work with your differences?

Hudson: Shaney is over the top some of the times (laughs) but I think our differences complement each other. I think I help ground him and keep him from going too far over the top. He can get pretty outrageous in what he wants to do or find out about. For me, he has really shown me how to live life, not be so closed off and to laugh more. I’ve never laughed so hard with Shaney around.

Shaney: (yells from the other room) That’s right big guy!

Hudson: (shakes his head and yells back) Go find something to do, baby. I’ll be done soon.

Shaney: Okay.

JC: I think he’s gone, so I can ask the next question. What was your worst first date ever?

Hudson: When I was sixteen and a bunch of us went down to the lake to hang out. Soon people paired off .and me and this girl were left sitting there. I knew at the time I was gay but in Tupper Lake, back then, it just wasn’t accepted. The girl got a little handsy and kissed me and I did kiss her back but I thinking about a guy in my gym class. Before I knew it, she’d grabbed my hand and put it on her…um…chest. I kind of freaked out and literally ran away. She told the entire school. It was pretty crappy.

Shaney: (yells) Ewww, on her boob?!

Hudson: Shaney, I thought you were going to find something to do.

Shaney: (yells) Yes sir, boss!

JC: (chuckles) Okay. Next question. You’ve been called by some The Perfect Guy and Mr. Tall, Dark, and Hunky. What are your thoughts on that?

Hudson: Sounds like something Shaney would say. Not sure how true that those are.

Shaney: (yells)You’re definitely all of those Mr. Hottie!

Hudson: Shaney!

Shaney: Going!

JC: Shaney? (no answer). Okay, now that he’s gone, I PROMISE I won’t tell Shaney…so dish! What did you first think when you met him?

Hudson: Yeah, I don’t need his head any bigger than it is. When I first saw him, I thought that I really wanted to just talk to him. I’m not so good at that stuff and if you read the story, you’ll see how well our first meeting worked out. Damn, that boy can get himself hurt the closet. Best thing I ever did was talking to him.

JC: Very sweet (yes, he’s blushing). I’ve heard you call your truck your baby. What’s the story with this vehicle?

Hudson: It’s a 2012 Ford F250. It’s a truck. I’m a guy. Enough said.

JC: Got it. So, are you more of a dog person or more of a cat person?

Hudson: Snort, definitely a cat person if you get my meaning.

JC: Oh, the killed by curiosity thing. Got it (laughs). Any more adventures on the horizon for you, Mr. Hudson?

Hudson: With Shaney, when isn’t there an adventure. Getting up in the morning is an—

(A loud crash shakes the house.)

Hudson: What the fu—

Shaney: Hey, Huds, you know that shelf in the hall closet you told me not to touch? Well, it fell on my hand.

Hudson: (rubs at the bridge of his nose) See? Can get hurt in a closet. See ya, JC.

JC: If I ever get through an interview with these two, it will be a miracle.

Tomorrow, I will be visiting the blog of AT Weaver. Hope to see you all there!

CuriosityKilledShaney cover

Available at

R&P Publishing      Amazon     Barnes and Noble

ARe       BookStrand

Blurb:Shaney’s curiosity is always getting him into trouble, including stumbling into a ritualistic circle and being imbued with an energy that will eventually tear him apart. He soon finds out that Hudson, a man he cares for deeply, might be responsible for his misfortune. Add in the betrayal by his best friend Todd and the desire of a demented occultist named Silas to control the energy inside of him and there seems to be no way out. Can Shaney find a way to rid his body of the nefarious energy before he dies a horrible death?


Shaney peered cautiously around the aisle of junk peddled on late night television as items that that no one could live without. Yeah, right, Shaney snorted to himself. With anything but suave subtlety, he looked for his target through the open racks of clothes and tall shelves filled with shoes. Well, tall for him. Yes, he was short for a man. Hell, he was short for a pre-pubescent teenager. And in one of the cruelest twists of fate, at five feet six inches, Shaney was the shortest of his three siblings—three sisters, actually. Oh, yeah, as if that hadn’t been a wonderful childhood.

He sighed, reminding himself that he’d long ago come to terms with his lack of verticality—sort of. Silently, he slipped around the end of the shelf, moving slow and smooth, like the aforementioned cat. He worked his way toward the first rack of haphazardly piled shoes. Of course, he should straighten those up later. He stopped about ten feet from the rack, not daring to get any closer. As he peered through one of the shelves, he caught just a glimpse of his target’s red shirt. The man was rifling through the rack of sweatshirts.

If he could just get a bit closer, get a better look…

Shaney froze as the man—and, oh, what a man he was—walked out from behind that rack of shoes, a black sweatshirt in hand. Maybe if Shaney remained still, he wouldn’t be spotted out there in the open, drooling, because that was what he did when faced with the most gorgeous specimen of man known to humankind. The hunky man’s spiky black hair was longer on top and shorter on the sides. He had a five o’clock shadow at ten a.m. covering a strong jaw with—oh, hell—a dimpled chin and intense crystal blue eyes centered by the straightest, most slender nose ending over mouth-watering lips that were just waiting to be sucked and nibbled. That red T-shirt covered wide shoulders and biceps. Black jeans hugged a slim waist and caressed every single muscle with each confident, I-own-the-world step he took in black work boots. And talk about tall!

Shaney stopped breathing as Mr. Tall, Dark, and Hunky came down his aisle. The man’s blue eyes scanned the store looking from something or…someone?


Time ceased and the world narrowed as those eyes penetrated straight into Shaney’s soul, connected with his very essence, and awakened Shaney’s cock within his pressed chinos. Those forceful eyes were staring and, wait…frowning, as the man came straight at him! Panic seized Shaney’s body. Oh, fuck! He saw me staring and now he’s going to kill the cat! Damn, Todd for being right! Unable to break from the intensity of that unyielding gaze, Shaney started to scramble backwards with no regard for direction—just away from Mr. Tall, Dark, and Angry. Shaney sprinted in reverse as the man raised his hand and pointed a finger.

“Hey. You.”

Even faced with imminent death, the man’s voice vibrated through every nerve in Shaney’s small frame. If he had to die, let his death be at the hands of this god.


Every cell in Shaney’s body followed the forceful order, but not before Shaney slammed into the shelf behind him. He gasped, the breath knocked from his lungs. He grasped for anything solid to hold onto as the useless treads of his sneakers slid on the waxed floor. Items rocked on the shelf, some toppling, others just threatening.

This is gonna hurt, Shaney thought and cringed until his hand finally grasped a shelf, and his other hand found purchase as well.

The enormous display shelf settled as Shaney struggled to steady his feet. He closed his eyes, sucking in large quantities of air. His hands vibrated against the steel of the shelf, unyielding in their death grip. The whoosh of blood in his ears cocooned him in silence and he almost forgot about…Shaney’s eyes popped open, and he jumped back in surprise to see Mr. Tall, Dark, and Angry right in his face. And next, as is standard humor in classic Saturday morning cartoons, something heavy fell out of the sky, landed on Shaney’s head, brought him to his knees, then flat on his face. The only thing missing were those annoying little chirpy bluebirds circling his head. He’d have to settle for stars.

Curiosity Killed Shaney Blog Tour Giveaway!!

Shaney is so excited about his story being told that he is giving away some great prizes!

P.S. He’s really excited to give them away!


1- $25 Amazon Gift Card

2 Curiosity Killed Shaney Ebooks

2 of Maximus’ “Duct Tape” T-shirts

3 “Freeze Warlock” Coffee Mugs

2 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Click here for pictures of Prizes

You can enter daily along the blog tour, as often as you like!

Enter Shaney’s Giveaway!

About JC Wallace:

I have been writing all of my life, however it was just this year that I ventured out to be published. In my day job, I am a behavior analyst. At night and on the weekends, I write about all things men. I believe there is nothing hotter than two men finding and loving one another, whether for a night or forever. An avid reader of M/M romance, I love a good twist of a plot, HEA, HFN, or tragic ending.

I am owned by three kids, one grandchild and one on the way, two dogs and one cat. I live in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains in Northern NY






Whatever Weekends: Elyzabeth M. Layley

Fairy tales… fantasy, magic, and sometimes a lesson or two to be learned. They were
always such great fun to read as children, so why not continue the tradition as

 Blind Beauty is a Naughty Fairy Tale. You know what that means, right? *wiggles
eyebrows* It has magic, a lesson or two, lots of love and some hot scenes. There
is also adventure, of course. James Macintosh, our handsome, (though he doesn’t
think so), hero finds certain things in his path that lead him into Richard’s
arms. He makes some appropriate (or maybe not?) decisions. Take the quiz and
find out how you would fare if you were in his place. Continue reading