Monthly Archives: April 2018

Wednesday Briefs: April 25, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page

Two Girls and Some Ghouls: Part II by Avery Dawes

Last week, Private Mansfield politely asked if I could find out what became of his wife and young son after the war. I sensed the emotion behind his strong façade and gave him props for not shedding any ghost tears. Using the dates and locations he gave me, I thought I might have a chance at finding what had become of his family so it didn’t take much convincing for me to help him. His story had touched an unexpected nerve. He and his wife were newlyweds when he left to fight for Virginia. They’d gotten married once she found

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Wednesday Briefs: April 18, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page

Here Kitty Kitty: Chapter 7.3 by Carol Pedroso

“When can we go home?” “I want to go back to grandma’s house.” “I’m tired.”

The kits had been wonderful but the constant traveling was wearing on all of them and the kits most of all. Simon felt Kitryn tense and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Deep breath,” he muttered and received a tight smile.

Meg had moved to walk with the kits and she could be heard explaining once again why they couldn’t return to her house.

Simon looked at the sky. “We need to find shelter soon.” Kitryn nodded and they started checking the sides of the path

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Wednesday Briefs: April 11, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page

The Faery of Beacon Lake: Part 9 by Nephy Hart

At the stroke of midnight, Owen was pacing the banks of the lake. He checked his watch for the hundredth time to find time crawling so slowly it might have been going backwards. The light of the phone was harsh in darkness lit only by an occasional glimmer of a pale moon, as it dodged between clouds. He’d almost broken his neck a half-dozen times on the path over the mountain. He’d almost turned back a dozen more, but here he was, phone in hand, watching the numbers march onward to his doom.

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Wednesday Briefs: April 4, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page

The Sheriff #57 (13.5) by Julie Lynn Hayes

Roy’s life had taken a complete one-eighty—and he couldn’t be happier about it. He’d begun to think he would never find someone to love, to have what Lee and Marshall had. And then, out of nowhere, when he wasn’t looking, it happened.  The trouble was he’d been searching for Miss Right all this time when it was actually Mr. Right, in the guise of Dustin Johnson.  If someone had suggested to Roy just a few months ago that he could fall in love with a man, he’d have laughed and said that wasn’t him, not that he had anything against the idea of two men being together. And yet just look at him now. He was with another man, and loving it.

He guessed the right person made all the difference, and gender didn’t really matter.

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