Monthly Archives: April 2017

Wednesday Briefs: April 26, 20

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

The Waterlord Prequel: Part 17 by Ravon Silvius

Nathan scoffed when Tom didn’t answer immediately. “Fine. I can make it on my own.” He got to his feet, and Tom could not help but notice Nathan’s shakiness. He leaned on the wall for support, his head down as though he fought off dizziness. Tom immediately felt bad for delaying.

     “Okay, let me help. I’m…sorry.” He didn’t quite know what he was apologizing for, but he knew Nathan needed help. Tom wished Nathan would tell him what was going on. Maybe if Tom helped, he would tell.

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Wednesday Briefs: April 19, 2017

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

The Waterlord Prequel: Part 18 by Ravon SIlvius

A terrible sense of foreboding…A bang woke Tom. He jumped up wildly, looking around for the source of the noise, until he realized his water cup had fallen off the shelf. What time was it? He didn’t even remember falling asleep.

     Tom shook off sleepiness, hunger gnawing at his stomach. It must be close to dinner, then. Hopefully safe to exit the room. Tom hoped Nathan was alright. That old man had seemed so cruel.

  As Tom made his way down the hall, he was struck again by a strange dread, and suddenly his throat felt tight.

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Wednesday Briefs: April 12, 2017

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

The Waterlord Prequel: Part 17 by Ravon Silvius

Nathan scoffed when Tom didn’t answer immediately. “Fine. I can make it on my own.” He got to his feet, and Tom could not help but notice Nathan’s shakiness. He leaned on the wall for support, his head down as though he fought off dizziness. Tom immediately felt bad for delaying.

     “Okay, let me help. I’m…sorry.” He didn’t quite know what he was apologizing for, but he knew Nathan needed help. Tom wished Nathan would tell him what was going on. Maybe if Tom helped, he would tell.

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Wednesday Briefs – April 5, 2017

Link: RHere is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Double Trouble: Chapter 104 by Jon Keys
Mitch dug out one of the huge glass tumblers he and Darrin had collected somewhere through their life together. But he wanted a glass that was going to take a lot of time to empty. He also didn’t want one of the flimsy plastic pieces of shit either. Mitch wanted a nice thick hefty glass made out of—well glass damnit. So if I decide to have an ugly fit and throw the glass into the stone fireplace it would break into a thousand satisfying fragments.
Not that he would ever do that. Mitch had pulled that stunt once during their marriage, and the relationship had barely survived. Mitch had never seen Darrin so pissed off before then or after. Mild mannered polite Darrin had went bat shit crazy on Mitch’s ass.

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