Tag Archives: Jon Keys

Wednesday Briefs: March 20, 2019

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Denied: Chapter Seventy-five by Cia Nordwell

“You would begrudge me some time to judge your intentions?” She straightened, her body poised but her face calm as she folded her hands in her lap. “I know my father and his intentions. I guessed at Anyas. I guessed at yours. What I knew and hoped for was enough to prompt me to action, but a wise person doesn’t recklessly move forward without the most intelligence possible.”

“Wise.” Deke snorted. “You’re practically a—”

“Shh! Watch your tongue,” Anyas snapped, cutting him off with a violent wave of his hand.

The girl’s melodic laugh broke the tension that was

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Wednesday Briefs: March 6, 2019

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.


Denied:Chapter Seventy-three by Cia Nordwell

The cool calm Anyas projected cracked for the very first time when I slung the girl over my shoulder and dropped her on the couch of the room he’d been given in the building. He gasped. “What have you done?”

“It was necessary.” The girl’s head lolled back, and I was reassured when her chest rose and fell slowly. I hadn’t killed her; she was just unconscious. I’d been too worried about being spotted to stop and check on her.

I carefully arranged her arms and legs, trying to make her a little more comfortable. No reason to leave her 

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Wednesday Briefs: February 13, 2019

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

In Pieces #39 (10.2) by Julie Lynn Hayes

“What’s on the schedule for tonight?” Ryan asked Ben as they crossed the back lawn, hand in hand.

“We’re playing at a place they call The Dive,” Ben replied. “It’s an underground club in Houma, about an hour and half from here Sorry, we’ll have to go across the bridge again. That’s the fastest way there.” He glanced at Ryan, offering him an apologetic smile that was also filled with concern.

“No worries. It’s not scary at all when I have you beside me,” Ryan said sincerely.

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Wednesday Briefs: January 30, 20

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

In Pieces #38 (10.1) by Julie Lynn Hayes

The warmth of Ben’s body against his was soothing. Ryan couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so well. After they’d made love, he’d fallen asleep, wrapped around Ben. Even now, he was reluctant to open his eyes, start a new day—he wanted their first night to last forever… or at least as long as possible.

He felt soft lips touch his own, eliciting a smile at the thought of Ben.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Ben whispered, then kissed him again. “I forgot how adorable you look when you’re sleeping.”

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Wednesday Briefs: January 16, 2019

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Adrift: Chapter 23 by J. Alan Veerkamp

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Wednesday Briefs: January 2, 2019

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

In Pieces #34 (8.7) by Julie Lynn Hayes

As it turned out, Ryan’s fears were groundless. Ben had Miles well in hand, and was keeping the infatuated  young man at what Ryan considered to be a safe distance. Ben was letting Miles’ friends take selfies of themselves with him, and all of the young people were clamoring for his attention, eating it up. But when Ben spotted Ryan coming toward him, his face lit up with unmistakable joy.

Ryan had intended to hang on the fringe of the group and take the photos for the host,  but Ben would have none of that. He bounced up to Ryan and welcomed him with a warm kiss, drawing a few giggles from the young people, as well as comments of “Hey, can priests do that now?” which were answered by a snarky “He’s not a real priest, dumbass.”

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Wednesday Briefs: December 19, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Denied: Chapter Sixty-two by Cia Nordwell

Danie approached me. I put down my fork, suddenly not as hungry as I’d been before. “Hello,” the A.I. said.

I nodded to him briefly, chewing the bite in my mouth. “Hello,” I said politely when I could finally swallow. I had to wash it down, and still it felt like a lump stuck in my throat. “What are you doing here?” That came out harsher than I intended.

“Just getting something to eat.” Danie shrugged and glanced away. “Sorry I bothered you.”

“No, I’m sorry.” I was being rude. “I didn’t mean to say it that way. I just 

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Wednesday Briefs: December 5, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Here Kitty Kitty: Chapter 15.3 by Carol Pedroso

Fran was flicking through a picture book when Kitryn led the others into their small greeting room.

“You need my help,” She stated and watched Simon close the door.

Kitryn chuckled. “Yes, we need your help. But only if you’re comfortable and aren’t hurt by what we ask you to do. Okay?”

Fran frowned. “But if I not help. More hurt.”

Kitryn kneeled in front of her. “But, they aren’t you. You are who I care about. You are my family.”

Fran shook her head. “Pete and Nelly family. See-mom mate, family. I help.”

Kitryn looked at Simon who was\

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Wednesday Briefs: May 9, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page

In Pieces #2 (1.2) by Julie Lynn Hayes

 Ryan turned his gaze toward his stepmother. Cassie was Dad’s third wife. Widow now. Ryan’s mother, who’d died when Ryan was an infant, had been the first Mrs. Fremont. And Dad’s second wife, Liza, had disappeared years ago, vanished without a trace. Along with his stepbrother, Ben. He’d hoped they would show up today—whether to pay their respects or simply acknowledge his dad’s passing, he couldn’t say—but that hadn’t happened. Maybe he shouldn’t have been surprised. He hadn’t heard a word from either of them in ten years. The last time his dad had been in contact was when he’d gotten the divorce papers signed, and even that was done through his lawyer, nothing direct.

Cassie’s head was bent, her eyes closed. Maybe she was praying.  Ryan sighed. Prayers never seemed to do any good, so why bother? Hadn’t gotten him anywhere today. He’d prayed to be able to see Ben. See how well that had worked out.

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Wednesday Briefs: April 25, 2018

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page

Two Girls and Some Ghouls: Part II by Avery Dawes

Last week, Private Mansfield politely asked if I could find out what became of his wife and young son after the war. I sensed the emotion behind his strong façade and gave him props for not shedding any ghost tears. Using the dates and locations he gave me, I thought I might have a chance at finding what had become of his family so it didn’t take much convincing for me to help him. His story had touched an unexpected nerve. He and his wife were newlyweds when he left to fight for Virginia. They’d gotten married once she found

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