Wednesday Briefs: April 24, 2024

Here is a list of all the authors flashing this week, along with a brief snippet from their latest free work. Click the link after the snippet to be taken to the complete story on the author’s home page.

Jonlyn of the Urionites by J Ray Lamb

Jonlyn’s head was swimming with the events that had just transpired. He sat down on the deerskin covered chair and started reflecting on what had just happened. He hadn’t noticed the passing of time until the warmth of the sun had passed leaving him sitting in the shadows. While the deerskin was warm under him, he was slowly starting to cool down. He picked up a flagon of wine and headed back out of his abode. One of the many benefits of being the Club was that he had a private outdoor area where he could be himself.



Dracula #12 (4.1) by J L Hayes

“You’re not Doina!” The blacksmith appeared to be baffled, as if by simply crying out his wife’s name she and she alone would appear before him.

“Your powers of observation are astounding,” Dracula replied caustically. He vaulted gracefully over the top of the pew and took up a defensive stance in the church aisle, facing the blacksmith. He assumed that his paramour would have the common sense not to show herself and would remain out of sight where she was. To show herself would be the opposite of having a clandestine meeting. Besides which, admitting to adultery

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